Letter to Blue

A letter to ‘My Blue’

You left us so suddenly and it remains the biggest tragedy I ever hope to face in my life.

In my whirlwind of despair, along with the fear of losing my mind to a black hole of emptiness, I allowed myself a certain amount of time to grieve, then I promised myself to work on something beautiful that would remind me of you. And so, I decided to make this product for you.

So, after all the complaining you did about certain facial creams leaving your skin feeling sticky and heavy, I did my research diligently with many products and ingredients and came up with a lightweight formula that’s hydrating, nourishing and gentle on the environment.

It smells divine! Nothing too over the top, because I know that fragrance was a big thing for you.

It’s derived of natural ingredients to create a lotion that leaves the skin refreshed and happy.

If I was to get into skincare, I wanted it to be beneficial for all people, suited to all different skin types. Available to men and women and great for that teenager just starting out.

Putting on a lotion made with love and the most beautiful ingredients is my idea of the perfect product.

I knew Autophagy wouldn’t bring you back, but if I can help people feel good about themselves -even if it’s just at the beginning or end of the day, then that makes me smile.

It’s bursting with Marine collagen, along with the Maori medicinal herb Kawakawa; rich in polyphenols such as pomegranate, grapeseed, cucumber, and green tea (which is an EGCG) along with magnesium, which draws all those delicious ingredients into the skin.

Everything in this skincare helps with autophagy in the body. Now, autophagy is a self-renewal system in the body, and the name seemed rather fitting as that’s what I had to do with my life once you left this earth – a self-renewal.

I miss you so much Blue – I feel you are here still with us. Sometimes I see you in the blue of the sky and feel you in the wind.

Forever yours, Vania.